Salt (1308 Hornby)
Certifications & Awards
- LEED Canada for New Construction and Major Renovations (registered) CaGBC targeting LEED Gold
- LEED Canada for New Construction and Major Renovations (registered) CaGBC targeting LEED Gold
Project Team
- Developer: Concert Properties
- Architect: Richard Henry Architects & Bingham Hill Architects
- LEED Consultant: Recollective Consulting Inc.
- Energy Modeller: Recollective Consulting Inc.
- Structural Engineer: Glotman Simpson Consulting Engineers
- Mechanical Engineer: Sterling Cooper & Associates
- Electrical Engineer: Nemetz (S/A) & Associates
- Landscape Architect: PWL Partnership Landscape Architects
- Interior Design: BBA Design Consultants
- Commissioning Authority: Morrison Hershfield
- Geotechnical Engineer: Geopacific Consultants
- Building Science Professional: Morrison Hershfield
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Salt - Eesmyal Santos-Brault, Recollective and Jonathan Meads, Concert Properties
The Salt project is a 163,800 sq. ft., thirty-one storey mixed-use residential tower, above grade with a five-storey underground parkade, located at 1308 Hornby Street. The project is targeting LEED-NC Gold certification, and is meeting the City of Vancouver EcoCity sustainability rezoning requirements.
Salt is comprised of 197 units with approximately 3,271 sq. ft. of retail space and ground floor amenity areas, and 32 floors of residential units. The residential space consists of 4 studio apartments, 129 single bedrooms, 61 double bedrooms for approximately 255 occupants.
Sustainable Sites
Salt is situated in an amenity-rich and transit-oriented downtown Vancouver. Centrally located, high-density developments such as this promote livability, walkability and transportation ease. This can reduce vehicle miles distance traveled, as well as promote public health by encouraging daily physical activity. For cycling ease, Salt is located directly along the Hornby bicycle corridor. Occupants have access to two car share vehicles from Zipcar, with conveniently located designated parking stalls.
The site area has green space planted with over 20% of vegetation of species that are native and adaptive. A high efficiency irrigation system was installed to result in a 50% reduction potable water use for irrigation.
Vegetated green roofs were installed to cover 2,131 square feet (198 sqm) of the roof area. Green roofs reduce heat islands and minimize effects on the microclimate. For further site efficiency and heat island prevention, all parking for this project is situated underground.
Rainwater management
Rainwater management is an important consideration on projects in the Pacific Northwest. Drainage is provided from all roofs on the Salt project, including exposed balconies and patio areas, landscaped and parking areas. Roof, balcony and patio drainage is collected at the ground and/or parking level and, where possible, run by gravity to the rainwater collection cistern located in the lowest level of parking.
The rainwater is collected and slowly discharged to the City storm sewer with a duplex pump system through a timer and level controller. All storm drainage is filtered prior to discharge to the City sewer by the use of the storm water cistern sump.
Energy Efficiency
Energy reduction strategies were implemented throughout the project. The design team ensured the residential suites used a low lighting power density. Utilizing guidance from EcoEnergy, the team pursued recommended lighting levels (11.8 Watts per meter or 1.1 W/ft). Residential suites at Salt were installed with energy efficient appliances. Utilities for suites are individually metered to maximize occupant agency in energy conservation, and a master switch in each home allows residents to turn off all lighting at one location and reduce electricity usage when away.
Energy saving features in the non-residential areas of the buildings include: an electric air-source heat pump for amenities, retail spaces and lobbies, occupancy sensors in underground parking, and exterior lighting is controlled via time clock and photo cell operation for additional energy savings.
The base building heating, ventilation, lighting and water are managed through a DDC (direct digital control) monitor and adjusted to optimize efficiency and help reduce energy use. HVAC systems in the building utilize variable speed drive fans and motors for added energy efficiency that save energy whenever the electric motors run at less than full power.
Materials and Durability
The design and construction team worked together to select and track building materials that were harvested and manufactured regionally and/or with as much recycled content possible. Recycled building materials at Salt include common area carpet, drywall and batt insulation.
“A building envelope in Vancouver should be different from one in Montreal for the same occupancy.” As such, a durable building plan was created for this project to ensure that the envelope is fitted out for durability and with recognition for the need for building service life planning.
Indoor Environmental Quality
During the building’s construction, the trades followed protocols to ensure construction waste was diverted from the landfill as much as possible. Once the building envelope was closed in, careful coordination of the trades indoors ensured construction activities did not adversely affect indoor air quality during occupancy. Protecting HVAC equipment from construction dust and fumes is one such way. Adhesives, sealants and carpets were specified to all be low-to-no VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds).
Salt was designed to ensure ample daylight and views for residents. Daylighting provides energy savings (kWh) from reduced need for electrical lighting while also improving indoor environmental quality by promoting healthy circadian rhythms, reducing stress, and improving attentiveness, and mood.
Sources: Concert Properties, Recollective Consulting, USGBC, Canadian Architect