California Academy of Sciences
Certifications & Awards
Project Team
- Architect: Renzo Piano
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The California Academy of Sciences, designed by Renzo Piano houses 38,000 live animals and is on track to receive LEED platinum. It is currently the only institution in the world to feature an aquarium, a natural history museum, a living rainforest, a planetarium, and world-class research and education programs - all housed under a 2.5 acre green roof.
Heat and Humidity
- Radiant floor heating reduces energy consumptionby 5-10%
- Heat recovery systems
- Living roof provides thermal insulation
- High-performance glass reduces standard levels of heat absorption and decreases cooling load.
- Reverse osmosis humidification systems keeps the research collections at a constant humidity level and reduces energy consumption for humidification by 95%.
Natural Light and Ventilation
- At least 90% of regularly occupied spaces have access to daylight and outside views
- Natural Ventilation: An open air piazza at the center of the building and skylights on the undulating roof automatically open and close to vent hot air
- The skylights are strategically placed to allow natural sunlight to reach the living rainforest and coral reef
- Motorized windows automatically open and close to allow cool air into the building
- Operable windows will also be employed in staff offices.
- Photosensors automatically dim artificial lights in response to daylight penetration
Renewable Energy
- The canopy around the perimeter of the roof contains 60,000 photo voltaic cells and will supply almost 213,000 kWh of clean energy per year (at least 5% of the new Academy’s energy needs)
- The multi-crystalline Photovoltaic Cells PVCs cells achieve at least 20% efficiency.
- Sensor faucets in the bathrooms utilize an internal turbine to generate power and charge the the faucet with each use.
Water Efficiency
- By absorbing rainwater, the living roof will prevent up to 3.6 million gallons of
- Reclaimed water from the City of San Francisco will be used to flush the toilets, reducing potable water consumption for wastewater by 90%.
- 30% reduction in potable water consumption
- Saltwater for the aquarium will be piped in from the Pacific Ocean, minimizing the use of potable water for aquarium systems.
- Nitrate wastes purified with natural systems, so aquarium water can be recycled.
Materials and Construction
- Over 90% of the demolition waste from the old Academy was recycled.
- At least 50% of the wood certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.
- 100% Recycled steel used for the building's structure
- The insulation made from recycled blue jeans (85% post-industrial recycled content and uses cotton, a rapidly renewable resource)
- Concrete contains 30% fly ash and 20% slag
Living Roof
- The 2.5 acre living roof creates a new link in an ecological corridor for wildlife
- Planted with nine native California species that will not require artificial irrigation and making it the largest swath of native vegetation in San Francisco
- Approximately 1.7 million plants blanket the living roof
- The native plants will provide habitat for a wide variety of wildlife
- Secure bicycle parking at the front and back entrances
- An electric car recharging station at the loading dock.
- Staff members will be compensated for using public transportation.
- Local materials and products manufactured within 500 miles of the Academy will account for at least 20% of building materials.