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People's Food Co-op

Portland, OR

In 1970, People's Food Co-op (generally called People's) set up shop in a building nearly one hundred years old that previously hosted a neighborhood grocery. The goal was to set the standard for sustainable groceries. Twenty-five years later, growing membership and an increasing customer base rendered the meager and dimly lit 2,400-square-foot space a liability to retail and office operations. To alleviate these constraints, People's renovated their existing space and grew the building to 5,400 square feet, incorporating innovative sustainable features along the way. The total project cost was approximately $900,000. From start to finish, the People's expansion demonstrates the value of viewing buildings holistically and executing integrated design processes. **This building was originally imported from the U.S. Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Building Technologies Database (http://eere.buildinggreen.com/overview.cfm?projectid=223) on 2009-06-06. Please confirm that the import was successful, login, and remove this message. Help make the Green Building Brain better.** READ MORE