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Toronto Police Service 11 Division

2054 Davenport Road Toronto, Ontario

The new Toronto Police Services new Division 11 will be located in a mix used Carlton Village neighborhood with at the intersection of Osler Street and Davenport Road. The site contains an imposing structure dating from 1913, that once functioned as the local school. The school had been the alma mater of several generations of the local residents until it was closed a few years ago. But even after its closure, the park and open spaces that belonged to the school were kept in use by the community as recreational spaces. In order to maintain the building's symbolic significance for the community, the design team and the client considered an adaptative re-use strategy for the school that explored several retention models with different spatial and programmatic relationship between old and new. All police facilities require a clear delineation between public and secure areas; with the public components tightly linked to local communities. Consequently, the southwest corner portion of the existing school holds all public functions of the program while a new north addition holds the secure portion it. The Scheme also takes advantage of the urban form to provide two social-civic spaces for the local community: a landscaped entrance-plaza in the S part of the site and a children's park in the N-W area of the site. A landscape fence that provides a green but private property boundary to the secure parking area, yet enhancing the streetscape. New tress are planted with the parking area to improve canopy coverage. Additionally the site incorporates numerous green building strategies such as an extensive green roof, an geothermal energy system, grey water reuse, rain water harvesting, water efficient landscape, light pollution reduction and storage and collection of recyclables among others. The geothermal HVAC system avoids extensive rooftop HVAC equipment and minimizes new ductwork running through the older portion of the building(summary imported from CAGBC database. remove this message if edited) READ MORE